Well British Columbia is amazing, as expected.  And I am now a permanent resident (as of August, actually, but I've been busy!).   While I haven't been doing professional photography in Canada, I have done a couple volunteer gigs back in the states, so I've tried to keep up my chops.  It looks like we will likely be stationed in Vancouver, so I am currently deciding if I want to wade into the waters of the quite-saturated photographers market there. 

All that aside, a couple exciting things are coming up:

  • I've been asked again to photograph the Proclaim retreat -- 3rd year in a row!  It will take place in Stony Point, NY in April, so look forward to seeing those photos in May!  Here are a few from last year
  • Based on my head shot work with Proclaim, I am developing a new model for church directories (also obviously applicable to directories for other businesses/organizations).  The idea is that it both produces more dynamic and modern photos and also doesn't put pressure on members buying prints to compensate for expenses.  I am starting a test run with a church right now, so stay tuned!
